As a moving company, you know that your website is one of your most essential marketing tools. It’s the first impression potential customers make of your business. Moreover, with so many moving company websites now available online, yours needs to stand out to get noticed by potential customers. If you haven’t already, it’s time for your moving company to have its website.

Importance of Website Design for Moving Companies

Web design is essential in helping your customers find your website in search engine results. A poorly designed site isn’t just a turnoff for potential customers; it can also hurt your business by preventing customers from finding you in the first place. High-quality web design for moving companies helps businesses flourish by increasing traffic and conversion rates. Additionally, a well-designed site can make managing your business easier by providing an online platform for managing your schedule and communicating with customers. You can use online tools to improve your customer experience with a well-designed website. With a professional website design, you can boost your brand recognition and increase the value of your business. You can also get more leads, find new customers easier, and make yourself more appealing to potential employees by providing an online snapshot of your business.

What do customers want to find on a moving company’s page?

Regarding web design for moving companies, the most important thing to remember is that your page is not about you. It’s not about how great your company is or how awesome your employees are. It’s about your customers. You should make every decision regarding your page’s design and layout with your customers in mind. There are many things your customers will be looking for on your website. They’ll want to know how much your services cost, how far you are willing to travel, and what hours you work. They’ll want to know what types of payment methods you accept and if you offer any specials or discounts. Customers will also want to know about your guarantees, policies, coverage, and licensing information. In short, everything you offer should be readily available on your website. Some other features you should have on your website are highlighted below.

Live chat feature

A common concern of customers shopping around for a moving company is whether the company will be able to provide them with a price quote for their move. To get more leads and avoid losing potential customers due to pricing concerns, some moving companies offer customers a price quote before receiving the customer’s information. However, this can be a bit impersonal. A better solution for web design for moving companies would be to incorporate a live chat feature to provide price quotes. This will allow you to provide customers with a price quote while gaining the necessary information needed to create the quote. If you decide to include a live chat feature on your website, make sure to have someone available to respond during regular business hours. Many customers prefer to have their questions answered immediately, even outside normal business hours. If a customer cannot get in touch with someone immediately, they may lose interest in your company and move on to another.


When creating a web design for moving companies, consider including statistics that show how your company compares with the competition. The SIC code is a six-digit code that identifies industries in North America. You can use this code to find the average hourly rate for a particular moving service, then compare your rates with those of your competitors. You can also include this information graphically to make it stand out on your website. For example, you could create a bar graph comparing your rates with those of the industry average and a few competitors, with your rates represented by a black bar and the others in grey. This information can help customers understand that there are plenty of movers to choose from and help them decide which one is right for them.


Another thing you may want to include on your website is any awards or recognitions your company has received. This can help get more leads as you build customer trust and show that your company is above average. You can also include any positive reviews you’ve received from customers. This can help humanize your company and show that other customers have had positive experiences with your company. If you don’t have any awards or recognitions, you can still include an “about us” section on your website with information about the company’s history and the names and backgrounds of the movers. This is another way to humanize your company and make customers feel more comfortable hiring you.

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Grow Your Moving Business with a Lead Generation Website

As mentioned earlier, a web design for moving companies is a great marketing tool. But it can also be a tool to help get more leads. This means that you can collect potential customers’ names and email addresses by providing them with a simple form to fill out on your website in exchange for a free eBooks or guide. You can use these details to follow up with prospects and offer them a free estimate for their upcoming move. A lead-generation web design for moving companies allows contact details of potential customers to be collected without having to cold call or knock on their doors. This saves you time and money and gives you many prospects to follow up with. The best part is that these prospects are actively interested in hiring your company. That means you don’t have to spend as much time prospecting for new business and can spend more time moving customers who want to hire you.

Common Types of Web Design for Moving Companies

You can choose from several website designs, each with its benefits. The most common types of web design for moving companies are:

Static Website: A static web design for moving companies is built with unchanging content that doesn’t update. It typically contains information about your company, such as hours, addresses, contact information, and details about your services.

Blog Website: A blog website is a static site that allows you to post blog articles. This design is excellent for moving companies that want to publish articles that aren’t appropriate for their main page. This website can help you get more leads as people visit your blog.

Content Management System (CMS): A CMS website is designed to let you manage all your company’s pages from one central location. This design is excellent for businesses that want to maintain control over their content without hiring a web design company to modify their pages.

eCommerce Website: An eCommerce web design for moving companies is designed to accept online payments for goods or services. This type of design is ideal for moving companies that want to sell moving boxes, packing supplies, or other items.

Questions to ask when hiring a web design company

The design company you hire will help you create a unique website that will get more leads and turn potential customers into leads. Before hiring a web design company, ask them the right questions to ensure you get the website you deserve.

  • What is your design process?
  • What is the ideal timeline for the design process?
  • What is your philosophy on web design?
  • What makes your team different from other design firms?
  • What is your company’s experience in doing web design for moving companies?
  • What type of other design projects have your designers worked on?
  • What do you consider the most critical aspects of a moving website?
  • What are the essential elements of a great design that your team always includes?
  • Are you a design firm that serves a broad range of industries, or do you focus on specific industries such as real estate, restaurants, or moving companies?

Get started with your moving company’s website design

Now that you know what to look out for when hiring a web design company, it’s time to begin your moving company’s design. Before diving into the design process, setting goals for your page is essential. You should answer the following questions before you get started.

Who is your audience?

As you consider your website’s design, you’ll want to keep in mind the type of people you want to hire you. You want to design your website in a way that appeals to this audience. You’ll want to incorporate colors and images that appeal to them. It’s also essential to ensure your website is accessible to people with disabilities. You may also consider hiring a web developer to assist with building your website. This can help make sure your website is appropriately designed and constructed.

What do you like and dislike about competitors’ websites?

When browsing competitors’ websites, you’ll want to pay attention to design, ease of use, statistics, and information. This can help you better understand what works and what doesn’t regarding website design. This information can help you decide what website design you should go with. You should also pay attention to your competitors’ color schemes. This can help you determine which colors to use in your website design. You may also consider incorporating some of your competitors’ best features into your website design. This can make your website more appealing to customers.

What do you want your visitors to do on the website?

Regarding web design for moving companies, you’ll also want to consider what your visitors should do on the website. You want them to be reading about your services and contact you for a free estimate. You may also want them to sign up for your mailing list and download an eBook or guide. Whatever the goal, you’ll want to design your website in a way that will help customers achieve it. You can incorporate forms, buttons, images, and text to help guide visitors through your website, encourage them to sign up for mailing lists and download guides, and contact you for a free estimate. Your website should also be easy to navigate and have a clean design that’s easy to read and follow.

Hiring a Web Design Company

Your website is your first chance to impress potential customers. It’s your chance to stand out from the crowd and give customers confidence in your moving company. A website designed with these considerations will help you get more leads and customers. It’s important to remember that your website is an ever evolving and living thing. This means you’ll want to stay on top of any new trends and updates that may benefit your website. When hiring a web design company, keep all this in mind to ensure you get the best website for your business.

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    Smart and energetic team and working with them has elevated the value and perception of my brand across all our channels - web, social, and search. I really appreciate the attention to detail that they've brought to all of the projects we've completed. Communication is huge for me and I'm very satisfied with the platform we use for managing and discussing projects and the quality of the ideas they produce.

    • S M
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    Marketing Moving Companies has helped us to get more customers which in turn has improved our business. We had approached other digital marketing companies in the USA, but they were trying to push and sell more products that were not of much use to us. The team at Marketing Moving Companies is more organized and moves in an ethical direction, which has been really beneficial for our company.

    • Jennifer
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    You won't find a better digital marketing agency in Lancaster other than Marketing Moving Companies. They perform every marketing strategy available on digital media. If you are looking for getting good leads, traffic to your website, conversion. These guys are the best at it.

    • Henry
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    I would rate Marketing Moving Companies as one of the best Digital Marketing companies. My experience with Marketing Moving Companies has been amazing! It has a very talented and dedicated staff who focus on quality and in-time delivery

    • John